Every week, people from all generations worship together as we participate in the following worship elements for the glory of our Lord.
At First Hurst, you’ll find a casual but engaging worship experience, headlined by practical, uplifting messages, warm relationships, and great music. Intimate, participatory worship as the church gathers, is a high priority at First Hurst.
We are casual around here. You will see jeans, shorts, dresses, and casual business attire. So, wear clothing that is comfortable for you and join us, because First Hurst is not about what you look like or what you wear.

Hear God through His Word
As you might expect, the focal point of our weekly worship service is when the Word of God is proclaimed through preaching. Most of the time, you’ll hear from our Lead Pastor, although the responsibility of communicating God’s message is sometimes shared by other members of our ministerial team. Extensive time is invested each week in study and preparation to share God’s unchanging truth that shapes and guides our lives. You can listen to some of our recent messages.

Exalt God through Singing
God has given us the gift of music, and He clearly calls us to use this gift as an act of worship. Through a blended variety of musical styles, each week we lift up the name of Jesus and honor the faithfulness of our great God. Many from our congregation participate in this worship element as members of the worship team or support teams. You can email worship@firsthurst.com to find out more information on the various ways to serve at the campus you attend.

Seek God through Prayer
Not just because it’s expected, but because it’s vital, we include a committed time of prayer in our worship services. One of our ministers of members typically leads this time as we genuinely approach the Almighty in the name of Christ to thank Him, adore Him, and confess our need of Him. We encourage the congregation to actively join us in this special time of intercession.

Trust God through Giving
Tithing is our opportunity to show God that He is first in our lives. The tithe is traditionally considered to be 10% of your income. There are many verses in the Bible that encourage us to tithe. Tithing also honors the scriptural principle of generous giving and living. Your tithes and offerings support the church’s budget that supports missions at home and abroad. Giving through the church is a tangible way to show that God is the “owner” of our finances. There are many ways to give.

As part of our worship services, we often celebrate the joy of baptism with those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Not only does it picture the Gospel (the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ); baptism also pictures the believer’s new spiritual life in a public commitment to follow the Lord.

Communion (Lord's Supper)
We observe the ordinance of communion on select Sundays throughout the year. Following a special time of self-examination, we partake as a community of believers. It’s always a tender time of worship as we remember the sacrifice of our Savior for our sins. Check the calendar for the dates of communion. (Typically the first Sunday of the month)