Adult Discipleship

From young adults just out of college to those in their golden years, our Adult Discipleship Ministry provides meaningful relationships and growth opportunities from small groups to focused events.

Bible Study Groups

Bible Study Groups

The Bible teaches that our life in Christ is a group project, so it’s vitally important for us to be connected in community with others believers who are mutually committed to growing in their faith, caring for one another, and impacting their world for Jesus Christ.

Our Bible Study Groups are ongoing medium-sized groups built around this very idea of biblical community. So come get connected and encouraged through personal relationships to know and follow Christ according to His Word.

Disciple-Making Groups

Disciple-Making Groups

The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) tells us to “go and make disciples,” but have you ever wondered how to do that? In our Disciple-Making groups, you’ll receive the resources to help simplify everything needed to “go and make disciples.” These groups are for everyone—from the new believer to the aged saint.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry serves to encourage and inspire all the women of First Hurst. It is our desire that you feel deeply connected to the Lord and to other women. We want you to live in community with us as we do life together! (Hebrews 10:24-25) All year long, we have opportunities for you to get plugged in so please join us. We can’t wait to meet you!

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

It is our desire to grow in community and sharpen our faith through our Men’s Ministry. We seek to do this through weekly Bible studies, men’s events and fellowship opportunities. We hope you find a place to find close community through our Men’s Ministry.

Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace

This group provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower the church to be a safe place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed because of shame and guilt. It is a 12-week program that teaches them about God’s love and grace. For more info, visit

If you would like to get involved with us at First Hurst, please contact Stephanie via email or call 682.292.8152.



Re:generation is a biblically-based discipleship program offering healing, recovery, and freedom from any type of struggle.

The reality is that we all experience brokenness in this life. You’re not alone. We all have struggles to overcome. Whether big or small, these destructive thoughts and habits hold us back from the life we want—and the life God calls us to live.

The good news is that God loves you, wants to heal you, and has a plan for you. Through re:generation, thousands of people have found freedom from their struggles and experienced new life in Christ.

Re:gen meets on Monday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm at the Norwood Campus. 

Adult Discipleship Staff

Kyle Marcus

Kyle Marcus

Minister / Adult Discipleship, Norwood

Sterling Shanks

Sterling Shanks

Minister / Student & Adult Discipleship, The Trails

Stacy Williams

Stacy Williams

Ministry Assistant / Adult Discipleship & Women, Norwood

Kimberly Wirt

Kimberly Wirt

Minister / Missions & Adult Discipleship, Norwood