Church Membership

In the church body, there are no spectators, only players.

Our heart is for people to move from being regular attendees to active members in our church body. It’s kind of like coming out of the stands as a spectator and onto the field as a player.

Membership Matters

Membership matters because of the New Testament pattern (Acts 2:42-47):

G — the church gathered as individual local congregations
L — the church had local pastoral leadership
A — the church provided accountability and encouragement to one another
D — the church discipled one another to know and follow Christ

How to Join

We invite you to seek church membership in one of the following ways:

• By coming forward during the music at the end of the message in one of our Sunday Morning services
• By appointment with one of our Lead Pastors or Ministers. We will set a time to come to meet with you
• By meeting with a Lead Pastor or Minister during our First Steps class

Membership Requirements

The three essentials for membership are:

1. Begin a personal relationship with Christ, having, by faith, trusted in God’s grace for salvation. This means you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior & Lord or you want to receive Him. This is how to receive Him as Savior & Lord. (Romans 10:13)

• Admit your need by acknowledging that you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23)
• Be willing to turn from your sins in repentance. (Acts 20:21)
• Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave. (Romans 5:8)
• Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in and control your life through the Holy Spirit.

2. Be biblically baptized by immersion, which is symbolic in nature.

3. Complete First Steps, a class to help you become informed and involved in the life of First Hurst.

First Steps Class

Find out more about First Hurst at the next First Steps class. This enlightening course takes place in a friendly, small-class setting. It is designed to help both guests and new members become informed about and involved in the life of First Hurst in addition to informative topics like Who We Are, How We Function, and Where We’re Going.

We schedule this course 8-10 times each year. While registration is not required in order to attend, it does help us tremendously to know in advance how many to expect.