Guiding all generations to know and follow Christ
This is our mission, simple and straightforward. In all that we do, we seek to guide people to know Christ, for the first time, and forever more…and to follow Him with abandon, as they become more like Him in every way.
In Mark 1:17, as Jesus called his first disciples, He spoke the words, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” At First Hurst, we believe a disciple follows Christ by trusting Him as Lord and Savior, by being transformed through His power, and by making disciples who make disciples.
And as we follow Christ, He transforms...
- our heart by giving us a new identity
- our mind as we study and apply His Word
- our affections as we worship Him
- our will as we obey His commands
- our relationships as we show His love to others
- and our purpose as we live on mission with Him
We believe all of this happens best through the church, when we gather weekly to worship and hear God’s Word, as we grow in faith both personally and in a small group, and when we go make disciples through ministry and missions. This is how we live out the mission of the church. It is the rhythm of how we do life together and individually.