Kids Discipleship

The mission of Kids Ministry is the same as the mission of our church: to guide all generations to know and follow Christ. We do that by gathering to worship, growing in faith, and going to make disciples.

Kids Ministry partners with families to live out Deuteronomy 6:7, which tells us to teach our children to love the Lord and His commands.

"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

Events/Grow Opportunities for Parents:
• Parenting Classes
• Parent Dedication
• Parents Night Out

From birth-6th grade, we seek to provide environments where children can hear the gospel in developmentally appropriate ways through curriculum, groups, events, and milestones. We desire to be intentional with the discipleship of kids. That is our target! 

Sprouts Preschool

Sprouts Preschool

Sprouts strives to be the hands and feet of Christ to our “little sprouts” and their families.

Kids Discipleship Staff

Kellie Charbonneau

Kellie Charbonneau

Minister / Kids Discipleship, Norwood

Tabatha Garrison

Tabatha Garrison

Director / Childcare

Andrea Harris

Andrea Harris

Director / Preschool Discipleship, Norwood

Brandi Johnson

Brandi Johnson

Minister / Kids Discipleship, The Trails

Glory Joy Robinson

Glory Joy Robinson

Director / Elementary Discipleship, Norwood

Nikki Viengluang

Nikki Viengluang

Director / Kids Discipleship, The Trails