First Baptist Hurst is seeking to be a part of what God is doing all around the world. Our mission strategy is to simultaneously involve the church in reaching our community, state, continent, and the world through prayer, teaching, training, giving and going.
The last command Jesus gave was to go into the nations to make disciples, baptizing and teaching them how to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). After Jesus’ resurrection, just before He ascended to heaven, He empowered His disciples with the following words in Acts 1:8:
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
It’s our passion to fulfill this command by sending mission teams and supporting mission and ministry efforts on all continents of the world, starting right here in our own backyard. We seek to work in partnership with other ministries, missions, pastors, churches, missionaries, and organizations that are seeking to reach the world, with the end being to make disciples in all the earth.

Our Community
Operation Back to School
Give out backpacks and supplies to HEB students in need
Night of Hope
Christmas for specified families in the HEB school district
Tarrant County Food Distribution
At The Trails Campus and Bellaire (south Hurst)
We team up with this local mission ministry throughout the year.
Additional Ministry Partners
- International Students
- Mid-Cities Care Corps
- Cornerstone Assistance Ministries
- Union Gospel Mission
- Beautiful Feet
- Community Enrichment Center
- NEED (Northeast Emergency Distribution)
- Feed by Grace
- Texans on Mission (formerly Texas Baptist Men)
- Champions for Life / Bill Glass Ministries
North America

We partner with LaTrinidad Iglesia & Colegio Libertad for Vacation Bible School for the children in the area, training, Disciple Now for students, and much more.
North Dakota
We team up with churches in Fort Yates and Cannon Ball for Vacation Bible School for kids in the community and various projects on the Sioux Reservation.

The Ends of the Earth
Our main focus is in Niger, West Africa. We have teamed up with local missionaries to do various projects such as: VBS, community projects in villages, training sessions, health projects, and much more). We also send small groups to other areas of Africa to encourage the local missionaries.
We have teamed up with local missionaries/workers to do prayer walking, special events, and much more. Our main focus is in Santiago, Chile and the surrounding area.
We have teamed up with local missionaries to prayer walk, lead conferences, do home visits and much more. We have focused on Chennai, India. However, we have done work in Bangalore and the surrounding area of Chennai.
We work with a local church and school in Vladimir, Russia. We teach an English camp and lead VBS at the church. We do home visits, visit a local nursing home and build strong relationships in order to share the gospel.